Almost done with my first week of work at the church! I am so blessed with such a wonderful staff...all quirky and energetic. Sounds a bit like me. In the past couple of days I've been adjusting quite well to English culture. Definitely culture shock at first, but I'm slowly getting used to the British ways. I have to be more careful riding my bike...especially since they drive on the opposite side and the roads are so narrow! I almost died a couple of times...good thing for a helmet! :)
Today, I went to a school assembly at Woodford Prep School and we were able to talk about God (even though the school was not Christian). So different than the US! Praise God we were able to sing songs with the kids and teach them about Jesus. After, I met with a pastor in the local area and talked about plans for the Olympics. So many exciting ideas...Food of the Nations, Sports Outreach, and kids events for church outreach. I can't wait for it all to come together...pray for wisdom as we try to reach the community. May God be glorified through it all!
Jacqui, Tom and I were also able to talk with the youth in the town. Many of the teenage boys and girls are involved with drugs and abortions at 13 years old. Even though Woodford is a wealthy area, the teens are bored because it's a small town and there isn't much to do. They need a youth center where they could go and meet praying for the youth in London. Pray that they would have an open heart as we talk to them and invite them to youth group events. It breaks my heart as they feel like they don't have a future.
On a side note, my host family has NEVER had homemade chocolate chip cookies!! I feel like it's an American staple. So I made them tonight and felt like I was back at home. :) Yum.