When God is silent, it doesn't mean He's absent. In Isaiah 42:16, it says "along unfamiliar paths, I will guide them."
Today was a lovely day...besides the freezing 50 degree weather. Staff prayer/Bible reading, coffee with Jacqui and Tom discussing youth plans and events for the year, and Olympic planning. After, Eunice and I went shopping for our church staff Thanksgiving feast Friday! I'm excited they will get to experience our American holiday. I will be making pumpkin pie...hopefully it turns out ok! We ate delicious fish pie for dinner...I hear it's a traditional English dish along with shepherd's pie.
Just Skyped with Mom, Dad and Puppers...it's so nice being able to see them even though we're on the other side of the world. It will be weird being away from home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but glad I'll be with friends. :) Here's our Christmas card I designed below:

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