Phil Wickham "Sailing on a Ship"...this song describes my journey in London.
A voice is on the wind
It calls me further in
I’m heading deeper into Your heart
Your mark is on my chest
My sails filled with your breath
You guide me by the light of the stars
I’m sailing on a ship that’s bound for life
I wrestle with the wind against the tide
I'd leave it all behind to reach for more
I’m sailing on to Your golden shore
The skies go blue to gray
And I’m thrown from wave to wave
You still will hear these lungs singing hard
With every storm I face
I have found a greater grace
That pulls me deeper into Your heart
I’m sailing on a ship that’s bound for life
I wrestle with the wind against the tide
I'd leave it all behind to reach for more
I’m sailing on to Your golden shore
I’m sailing on a ship that’s bound for life
I wrestle with the wind against the tide
I leave it all behind to reach for more
I’m sailing on
To where the water’s running sweet and bright
The sun is rising in the eastern sky
I'd leave it all behind to reach for more
I’m sailing on to Your golden shore
To Your golden shore
Thank you Lord for time away at the Time for God conference. It was awesome to spend time with other volunteers across the world. I made new friends from Hungary, Germany, Korea, France, Sweden and America. Even though we all have different backgrounds, cultures and languages, we were all worshiping the same God and serving in the UK. :) So encouraging to meet other people who I could talk to and learn from. Philippians 3:12-14 says, "forgetting the past and straining towards what is ahead..." I know this year will be difficult being away from family and friends and in my "comfort zone", but I'm ready to grow by His strength.
Time for God is a time to stop, think, dream, decide, give, live, love, move, speak up, step out, and change the world. Thank you God for this opportunity...please be praying for all the TFG volunteers and UK.
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