It's the most wonderful time of the year. It truly is! Hot chocolate, Christmas trees, warm fires, carol singing, mince pies, mulled wine, good friends, and celebrating Jesus' birth. :) Thank you Lord for this season. I'm thankful to spend Christmas in London...as much as I'll miss my family in Hawaii and Seattle, I'll be spending it with my new London church family and friends from Spain. I'm even in the Christmas Eve play at church...so much effort put into this production with 4 services. Pray for all the people in Woodford to come with open hearts to hear the gospel!
Thank you Jesus for your blessings and how you answer prayer. I've been praying about mentoring the girls at my youth group and we had our first event this past week. We made Christmas sugar cookies together with many laughs and good times. I love these girls...from 12-16 years old. We decided to call ourselves "Girls 4 God" and will be meeting Saturday evenings starting in Jan! I'm excited for our upcoming events...a retreat in Scotland, sleepovers/movie nights, hiking, and baking for homeless to name a few. It's so important for just girls to get together for encouragement, prayer, and meditating on scripture.
Youth Christmas sleepover was madness! One of my favorite parts of helping at church is being with the youth. They keep me young and full of energy! We enjoyed a pizza party, caroling at church, bowling, playing Christmas games/prayer, and watched Elf (of course). Most of the youth didn't sleep at all...they are c r a z y. I made sure to get in a few hours! All in all, a great weekend and can't wait for God's plan in 2012.
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