Hola! Como estas? Muy bien, gracias! I'm back from Spain and so thankful to spend Thanksgiving break with my amigas. It was so nice spending time with Clarissa (my old roomie from college) and her sis Candida flew all the way from CA. Thank you Lord for a fun and safe trip. I will miss sitting on the porch looking over the blue ocean, soaking in Vitamin D, and feeling the cool breeze from the palm trees. What a dramatic change from England weather! Definitely reminded me of Hawaii and Santa Barbara. Highlights of the trip included: watching Breaking Dawn and making fun of it (don't recommend it), riding my first donkey (burro) on the streets of Mijas, Spanish Thanksgiving dinner with new amigas and amigos/dressing up as Indians, picking fresh oranges from the trees, walking the beautiful beaches in Nerja, eating the best paella of my life, chestnut stands (castanas), and exploring a new culture.
I noticed Spanish people are so friendly! I love their warm culture...greeting everyone with hugs and kisses on the cheek. I wish America was like that. Traveling has definitely opened my eyes to a whole world and ways of living. "Traveling teaches you to live an adventure, helps you encounter compassion, and allows you to get some culture." Love this article.
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